Well, let's start. The English Edition of the first chapter of Paper Yoshi 2 it's being upgraded with this cool features:
1. A new cooler preloader. (Used an NG preloader with a background)
2. Music optimized to the maximum (Max quality, min space!!)
3. Some audio bugs fixed.
4. Some animation bugs fixed.
5. Addition of 4 Special Codes (seecreet codes)
One more thing. Soon, an Special Edition of Paper Yoshi 2 will be released (only available in Spain), and its contents will be:
1. Movie
2. Exclusive images of Paper Yoshi 2, like artwork and renders (from episode 3, we also introduce exclusive images of Paper Yoshi 1)
3. Audio only available via Special Edition (Music tracks will be available downloading the soundtrack, under construction)
OK. Bye!